
Investor Relations

Bercman Technologies AS

Core business: Providing of product development services, proprietary products and customized technology solutions
Date of registration: 17.10.2016
Auditor: Number RT OÜ
Certified adviser: Ellex Raidla Advokaadibüroo OÜ
Date of Admission to Trading: 06.07.2021 (First North Share List)
Market: Nasdaq Tallinn
Stock ticker: BERCM

Management Board:
Mart Suurkask

Supervisory Board:
Kuldar Leis, Raimond Russak, Tarvi Thomberg

Background Information
Bercman Technologies is Estonian technology company founded in 2016. Bercman offers a comprehensive spectrum of services, encompassing product development, the creation of proprietary products, and tailoring technology solutions to meet specific needs. While being dedicated to delivering excellence in product development and revolutionizing the smart living sector, the company‘s vision is to be the catalyst for innovation in our rapidly evolving world.  

In 2021, Bercman acquired Krakul OÜ, Estonian leading product development company with over a decade of experience in hardware and software services. Since 2021 Bercman’s shares have been listed on the First North alternative market of Nasdaq Baltic Stock Exchange.  

Contact Details 
Address: Riia tn 26, Tartu 50405, Estonia
Telephone: +372 5340 2902
E-mail: info@bercman.com
Internet webpage: https://www.bercman.com/
Contact person: Mart Suurkask (Member of the Management Board)
E-mail: investorrelations@bercman.com


Price chart

Refer to the Bercman Technologies’ share price chart available here


Market news

Click here to read all the Bercman Technologies’ market news


Reports and documentation

Aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused
Resolutions of the annual general meeting of shareholders

Nõukogu aruanne 2023. majandusaasta kohta
Report of the Supervisory Board for 2023 fiscal year

Nõukogu otsused ja päevakord
Decisions of Supervisory Board and agenda

Juhatuse otsuste eelnõud
Draft decisions of Management Board

Bercman Technologies 2023 aasta konsolideeritud auditeeritud aruanne koos audiitori aruandega
Bercman Technologies 2023 consolidated audited annual report with auditor’s report

Bercman Technologies 2023 II pa ja 12 kuud konsolideeritud auditeerimata vahearuanne
Bercman Technologies 2023 II HY and 12 months consolidated unaudited interim report

Bercman Technologies 2023 I pa auditeerimata konsolideeritud vahearuanne
Bercman Technologies 2023 I HY unaudited consolidated interim report

Konsolideeritud auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2022
Audiitori aruanne

Consolidated audited annual report 2022
Auditors Report

Auditeerimata vahearuanne II pa 2022

Unaudited interim report II half 2022

Auditeerimata vahearuanne I pa 2022

Unaudited interim report I half 2022

Consolidated Annual Report of 2021
Auditors Report

Auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2021
Audiitori otsus

Auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2020
Audiitori otsus

Auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2019
Audiitori otsus

Articles of Association



Bercman Technologies AS
Reg. no. 14134425
VAT EE101977472
Riia 26, Tartu, 50405, Estonia

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